Friday, May 14, 2010

Anyone fancy a bit of hunting tomorrow evening round Pine Bluff Nebraska,?

All the other members of the Gun Club are down Manhatten for some big shootin convention, Million Dollar top prize or something,Anyone fancy a bit of hunting tomorrow evening round Pine Bluff Nebraska,?
Not to answer the question so much but to respond to the answers, I have to ask:

How would you animal rights folks like it if you were kept in a prison cell your entire life, castrated, branded, fed modified food to make you fatter, and then executed when you turned 25 to go on someone's table? I'd much rather live my life of freedom, and if I do get killed, I'd rather not see it coming. You know, walking around, minding my own business, there's a shot, a sharp pain, and then it's over. I'd much rather have that then be herded into a metal rack, one after another, watching everyone I grew up with slaughtered one at a time. And that's just for beef, I don't even want to think about life a s chicken or pig. I doubt even the worst things at Guantanamo Bay are dwarfed by what these animals have to put up with. As far as being humane goes, hunting is far more humane than buying meat from a grocery store. It allows the animal you eat to live a full, long life in freedom instead of eating tortured prisoners.

As for going hunting with you, I'd sure like to, but unfortunately I don't have a Nebraska license, and it's a bit much of a drive out there.Anyone fancy a bit of hunting tomorrow evening round Pine Bluff Nebraska,?
Tell me, are you really Dick Cheney in disguise?
Your cruel. Killing animals for no reason. How would you like it if I shot you?
Sorry, I only approve of killing animals in the wild if you need food or they are injured beyond recovery. So if you are just going to make trophies or win a prize, I can't support it.
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