Friday, May 14, 2010

Question on when/how to use Buck Jam? Deer hunting?

I got the sweet corn stuff and I know you just dump it wherever but should you put it out a few days before you hunt, will it last, or just dump it the day of the hunting or maybe the day before? How should it be applied?Question on when/how to use Buck Jam? Deer hunting?
Dump at least 24 hrs before, so the deer can find it.Question on when/how to use Buck Jam? Deer hunting?
i think its best to pour it out on the ground. because if you put it on a stump, or some sort of tree, they'll only come to that spot. but if you pour it on the ground, it will attract more deer and once they find it more will come and start diggin up the ground to find more. and i would put it out bout a day and half before ya start huntin. that way they can find it, get used to it, and start tryin to find more (even though they wont). i use it. i have the apple. i really like usin it

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