Friday, May 14, 2010

I'm working on a debate for inhumane deer hunting...any arguments or ideas?

Today, hunters and sportsmen are responible for the protection of endangered species and their habitat more than any other single group of people. In the past, however, several species were hunted to, or near, extinction. Furbearears, such as seals, beaver and otters, were highly valued for their pelts, and were trapped to near extinction by generations of over harvest. The bison (American buffalo) was nearly wiped off the face of the earth by over zealous fur traders and sportsmen mearly intent on killing to kill. The passenger pigeon was once the most populous bird in N. America and was hunted to extinction. (Plenty of info on this if googled....鈥?/a> ). All of these sad stories and many more are a part of our heritage as hunters, whether we like to admit it, or not. Our forefathers saw the seemingly limitless supply of wild game, and took it for granted. They thought nothing of future generations or their impact on the environment. They never thought that humans had the potential to wipe out species, once, so great in number. Some killed simply to provide for themselves and their families, others used our abundant, yet delicate, natural resources, in search of the almighty dollar. If you read the link I posted, you will see that train loads of passenger pigeons were sent to cities, like New York, destined for the marketplace. These consumers did not see the dwindleing numbers of precious wildlife, only food to be conveniently purchased and consumed. Much like society today, their purposeful ignorance caused much of the problem. How often do people think of where their food comes from? They just buy it at Mcdonalds or the grocery store, and take it for granted. They don't physically see the rain forest being destroyed, so they do not worry about it. Acres upon acres burned or bulldozed, displacing and endangering millions of wild animals, all so gluttonous Americans can order off the dollar menu.

Luckily, things have changed. Rather than destroying wildlife, modern outdoorsmen are the first line of defense in protecting it. We have become the guardians of the woods and stewards of the wilderness. We have learned from our forefathers mistakes. Animals are harvested only when necessary, and only when nature can support it. Hunters pay for thousands upon thousands of acres of wildlife habitat for all to enjoy, including the game we hunt and love. We are responsible for the majority of effort in keeping all species alive and well, to be enjoyed now, and for generations to come. Ducks Unlimited, and Trout Unlimited, along with a multitude of other like minded organizations have saved many species of waterfowl from catastrophic ends. The problem of ignorance, sadly, remains. Many people, especially those in urban areas, see hunters as blood thirsty savages, intent only on killing to kill. They do not see the benefits hunters provide. Almost every time you, camp, or hike in a wildlife refuge, hunters helped pay for it. Hunters, in fact, pay the lion's share of all land put aside for wildlife, and continue to pay for conserving the wildlife in it. The white tail deer that you mentioned is probably the poorest example to use for hunting to extinction. It is now more populous than ever, and the herd has reached record numbers. Deer are doing so well that without hunters they would be in dire danger of disease caused by over population, as well as starvation. Hunting, which was at one time the bane of wild creatures big and small, is now their saving grace! I am proud to say, you will have a hard time pinpointing hunting as the cause of any population problems wildlife suffers from. Especially in the case of white tail deer. Wildlife conservation,in my mind, began with Teddy Roosevelt, but does not end there. It endures with every hunter to take the field in pursuit of the animals we love.I'm working on a debate for inhumane deer hunting...any arguments or ideas?
i live in PA and idiots out there that move from the city feed the deer and give them shelter from the hunters. deer need to be hunted and natural hunters like wolfs need to be brought back . and i don't want to hear that argurment about ';that they were here before us'; because if you want to go that way then move out of your house because deer where all over the country..they even have deer in the bronx.I'm working on a debate for inhumane deer hunting...any arguments or ideas?
Elk County Pennsylvania is named for the noble animal that once abounded in the region in great numbers, but rapid settlement and exploitation by early immigrants destroyed the herds.* By 1867, Elk had been completely eliminated from the State of Pennsylvania.* Unregulated hunting and habitat loss were the biggest factors leading to their demise.* .....The Pennsylvania Game Commission introduced Rocky Mountain Elk in the State from 1913 through 1926.* 177 were trapped and transferred Yellowstone National Park, and a Private Reserve in Monroe County, Pennsylvania, and released in central and Northeastern Pennsylvania. Only the North- Central releases were successful.* '; Today the herd now numbers more than 800 as of February 12th 2008.......
If the hunter takes a good clean shot the deer will die before it hits the ground. This is true for both rifle/shotgun/muzzle loader and Bow hunting. I have seen Bow hunters make a good shot and the deer ran 10' and piled up DEAD. 10' is the body acting on adrenaline and muscle memory only. This is much faster than the slow lingering death PETA causes by breaking into labs and stealing animals being used in drug trials.

What is inhumane is the fact that PETA KILLED 97% of the animals it took into its shelters.

While living in NJ PETA broke in to a game farm that raised phesents and dove for hunting. They let all the birds go and 90+% of them died that night from being hit by cars of because they did not know how to get away from predators. These are the people who are against hunting in any way.
Deer will overpopulate without hunters. Plus my uncle and his family probably would have went hungry without it.
I don't hunt myself, but I grew up where hunting is very common.

My take on it is, there are some people for whom hunting is very important survival-wise - they get their quota, and that feeds them for the remainder of the winter. I'm okay with that.

There are others who just hunt for sport, to get the rack on the wall, and don't need the meat. I dislike that.

You buy chicken in the store, a chicken died for you to eat it. So, if you shoot a deer for food for many months, it's not much different (and is cost effective). It feeds you.

If you just shoot it to get your rocks off, that's cruel.

I think if you're going to kill an animal, do it for the time-old reason of creating a food source. If you'll eat it, that's fine.

If you just want to kill for the sake of killing, I'm totally against that.
here we go.....
what argument are you bringing to the table%26gt;%26gt; more specifics please
There is no question that in earlier times, man was responsible for the demise of several species of animal. IN those days, the animal population was viewed as being infinite in number. There were no game laws and people were just not as aware of their effect on the animal herds. Now, with modern herd management and game laws, animals are no longer being hunted to extinction. In fact, the money that is raised from the sale of ammo, guns, etc. has not only brought many of these animals back from the brink of extinction, they are now flourishing. Actually, when you look at animals over the long haul, man has had an extremely minor affect on their becoming extinct. By far the greatest cause of extinction has been loss of habitat and climatic changes.
Well, whitetail deer were almost extinct in Arkansas. The estimated population around the time of the great depression was only a few thousand.

But thanks to the effort of conservative minded hunters the deer population is now estimated at around 2 million.

Let ';PETA'; put that in there pipes and smoke it.

which side are you taking? I'd help, but first I need to know your answer.
For deer hunting we have a conservation set up where we can control the number of deer we harvest in a year. and like someone said natural predators have been eliminated in some areas. but the government has been reintroducing predators into those places. a good example is the wolves in Idaho. They were reintroduced in the mid 90's and because they are considered an endangered species they cannot be shot. Because of this the deer and elk population has been steadily decreasing, increasing the possibility that deer and elk might not survive in Idaho much longer.
If you are looking for against, then you won't find nothing here. If it is for, then you probably already read enough to fill 12 pages by now.
Have you ever been deer hunting? What do you mean by inhumane? If properly trained there is nothing inhumane about it.
It really depends on where you are hunting. Some places really don't have a lot of deer but am from ND and we have deer around every corner so for us to hunt them its no big deal because they are so over populated. What you need to be careful of is the people who go out there and kill the deer and just leave them right there don't take them or eat just leave them where they killed them. They way it works in ND is you have to apply for a license and tags if they have them you will get one. For bucks you go into a lottery and then you find out if you get a tag for a buck. For bucks you have to apply really early to make sure you get one. So as far as being inhumane well it just depends on where you are hunting how many deer there are and how people are know for there hunting? Do some research on how many deer were found were you live that were just left there that will help you find out about your own state. Another good thing would be to call the game and fish department were you live and ask them that question to see what they have say.
I don't think anyone here would debate for, or in favor of, inhumane deer hunting.
The most inhumane method I can think of is to ignore them.

Allow them to overpopulate an area and die from disease and starvation. The lucky ones will get hit by cars, or be shot because they are destroying someone's garden, but most will die a slow and lingering death by starvation.

The best way to prevent this from happening is to promote sport hunting. Sport hunters thin the deer herd to a sustainable level in the most humane possible way.

Doc Hudson
A person who eats meat, has no right to critisize hunters. Believe killing a deer with a well placed round is much more humane than the way most slaughter houses kill cows! Many drive rods through the cows ears, which is much slower than a bullet. Cows in line to be slaughtered smell the blood, hear the sounds of other cows in death throws. Deer usually die quickly, if not instantly, experiencing no fear before their death. Without hunting, deer populations reach numbers that cause them to die from deseases such has chronic wasting desease, blue tongue, etc. Also as populations rise, there are more deaths to dear and people from traffic accidents. Dear populations, by the way are estimated to be higher now than even at the times of the pilgrims.
Deer are responsible for more deaths in the United States than any other animal. About 150 people per year die from automobile accidents involving deer. So which, is more inhumane killing humans or killing overpopulated deer?
always take well aimed shots

my Idea of inhumane deer hunting is when some one takes a shot that they are doubting they can take cleanly which usually ends up that they are searching for a wounded deer all day
If you are thinking that hunting causes extinction, you need to become educated. There are more deer in North America today than when our forefathers landed here hundreds of years ago. That is the honest truth. Hunting is anecessary management tool, and the money spent by hunters helps a number of conservation organizations.
I'm Pro- Inhumane deer hunting. Shot a deer in the leg and when they can't run poke them with sticks. That would be Inhumane.
Natural predators have been eliminated from many environments, allowing deer to overpopulate. Humane hunting is an effective control that also can generate revenue for conservation programs.
Yet again, another clown with a ';debate'; working on a ';project';.

Post this on the bunny ranch please.

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