I would use #4 buckshot in a 20 gauge shotgun for coyotes with a full choke. Inside of 50 yards with good shot placement a .22LR will also take down a coyote remember they usually only weight in the 30lb range so they aren't that big. The best time for hunting coyote are right before dusk or dawn and you will need to have a call of some sort. I reccomend a distressed rabbit call for beginners.
Hkeel: there is a coyote choke called the ';dead coyote'; which is used with hevi shot shotgun ammunition for tight patterns out to 70 yards.
Most states require you to have a license and hunt within the season but some like Indiana allow property owners to shoot them anytime of the year. If they were causing property or animal damage you could shoot one without a license and report it to the DNR.Coyote hunting in ohio,whats the prefered rifle or shotgun of choice? .22, or 1100 20ga.?
I don't know about Ohio but out here there is no season on coyote and we use shot guns, rifles and pistols -- caliber does not matter much, there are some who use the bow and arrow too. There are even those who bait coyotes in order to get a kill. Coyote is not much liked around here. Yes a .22 will do the job rather well. No, there is no such thing as a coyote choke for a shot gun. There are four types of chokes available: full, open, half and variable. The best time to hunt them; coyote is nocturnal use a flashlight or a search light mounted on your 4x4. Slug size and muzzle velocity is a matter of preference, how far out do you plan on shooting them? 80 yards or less I'd suggest using the venerable .22 long rifle on a head shot. They'll drop like a rock. Over 80 yards I'll suggest a .30 caliber or the 12 or 20 gage shot gun with full choke, more than 200 yards and you should probably think maybe 25/35, 22/250, .270 nitro-express perhaps consider 35/70, 30/30 or 30/06. As far as licensing you may want to check with the Ohio game department.
Not from Ohio and it depends how you are hunting, sounds like you are calling them in if in a tree stand. Go with a 12 guage and 3 inch magnums and BB shot. Its good, depending on your choke, out to 40 yards. I never tried it from a tree stand, always sit in a brush pile or back to a tree. Main thing is movement, keep as still as you can. Get a bottle of fox lure and put it on a cotton ball, it will mask your odor plus coyotes hate foxes, just a plus for your side. Pattern your shotgun, get a large target, human silhouette type and shoot a few rounds to see how far and type of pattern you get in your gun and go from there, some brands of BB rounds are ok at 45 yards. I prefer Federal in my gun.
yeah you'll need a hunting license but in Ohio it is illegal to hunt with rifle do the large amount of residential area. Ao you'll need to use a shotgun. 12 guage would be a good choice. But getting close enough to a coyote to shoot it with a shotgun is dangerous. BE CAREFUL
i live in ohio. rio grande .by the river. it is NOT flat down here. to kill a coyote if you are not in the city sit where ever. we sit in barns, on the roof of the house what ever. We use 30.06 rifles or a 12 gauge shotgun. go out really early. good luck.
I am an avid hunter, but I wonder why you would hunt coyotes. I don't think they taste very good. Are you at least planning to skin them and sell the hides, or are you just going to kill them and leave them to rot?
Both guns are pretty small. You probably won't get close enough for a good shot with them. I don't know what your laws are but I would use a varmint rifle with a scope if allowable in your state. I'm sure you will need a hunting license.
Much of Ohio is flat, so I used a .22-250 for varmints there. A shotgun lacks the range for such hunting, and a .22 rimfire is rather weak for woodchuck, let alone coyoye. Buy a .22 centerfire or a .243.
Don't use a 22.* The best choices of calibers in a rifle for that purpose are the 22 Hornet, 218 Bee, 222, or 22-250.*
I would use something stronger to hunt 'yotes... a .22? That's for rabbits and squirrels!
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