Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Does your hunting camp allow girls to attend over gun season???

our camp doesnt have a gender specific time. women are always welcome. but if they start to cut into man time we just make them poop outside instead of in the camp so they freeze their buns off and return to the homestead. lolDoes your hunting camp allow girls to attend over gun season???
certainly! Girls need to learn to hunt, too!Does your hunting camp allow girls to attend over gun season???
My camp? Of course.

I'm as wholesome as a foul-mouthed sailor can be.
With Jmac on that one; it gets a bit chilly out in the outhouse when it's zero degrees outside. We did upgrade this past year and ran a light out to it. :P
Our hunting camp allows hunters.

If they are female then we all drool.

We try to be welcoming of experts/novices

Girls/Boys, Gays/Straights, Whites/Blacks/Purples/Martians/ Etc.

If you like to hunt or are interested in hunting then you are more then welcome!

You can always attend regardless of who you are/look like/Etc.

But to warn you; if you are female you will be VERY! popular.
Are you nuts!!?? I am not yet ready to find out if Jesus really loves me so I would not even think of standing in the way of what the she-demons wish to do. I have six daughters and often wake up in a cold sweat thinking the government is going to make me buy a license for a weapon of mass destruction.
The group that I hunt with sure do allow women to hunt with us. In fact, we encourage it. Some of the guy's daughters and/or wives come and some don't. The one thing that I have seen that is not right is a few of the guys will expect the women to do all of the cooking and housekeeping. That just ain't right and you must avoid it at all costs. When women are treated like that, they do not want to come. Most of us treat them just like any other hunter except that they are provided with a separate tent of their own and we do help them with some of the heavy chores like getting their deer up into a tree to hang. Other than that, they are just like any other hunter and carry their fair share of the camp chore load..... but no more than their fair share.

Women are great hunting partners and should be encouraged to come. Although we don't do it, it is prefectly okay to have a men only hunt. The women could have a women only hunt if they wanted but for the most part, women should be welcome in your camp.

Just the opinion of an old coot who has managed to keep the same wonderful woman for 43 years. I've learned to treat them right and they'll spoil you to death.
if they take the safety course first
Absolutley; we have some women members. Nothing goes on there which they wouldn't want to be around.
We have women members of our camp.
Women are welcome on the weekend before the hunt for the partying (just social drinking around the fire for hours on end, but since none of them hunt, they are outta there before Monday. This is not by choice or because we make them, it is just how it is since none of them (in my family) hunt.
we never look at the sex of the hunter.whomever it is has to be able to shoot well so as to not wound the animal.they also have to show some knowledge of the rifle they are using.if they can not verify any of the above they will not be able to hunt alone. they will have to have a experienced hunter with them.we all take turns with the chores also.

----retired texas deputy sheriff----
You're kidding, right?

I killed my first deer in 1960, and I've never seen anyplace where women were excluded, or even unusual.
They are allowed but few want to come. We have a rule that in the camp, they are in our territory and smokin, cussin, beer drinking and gambling are allowed and if they don't like it then too bad! Of course if kids are present (daughters) then we do watch the language and tone it down some. There are two of the wives that are hunters and do show up most years. I am getting a good laugh trying to picture my hunting partners wife being told she couldn't come! She would definately pitch a fit and come even if she didn't want to just to make him miserable, hehe. My wife will come along if certain of my friends aren't there, she considers them bad influences, (she's right!) and doesn't care for the drinking and card playing at all, but since she doesn't like hunting itself she pretty much stays home although she does like pheasant season, she uses the feathers for some craft work she does so she tries to get as many as she can from my buddies.
I allow booty calls.
The chicks sometimes take more/better deer than us clowns. They can be very entertaining after a few beers too!!!!!!

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