Monday, January 18, 2010

Hunting deer while menstruating?

Does anyone really know with proof, how hunting while on your period can affect your chances? Does it actually deter the deer or attract them? I keep reading different articles saying that both is true... so i don't know any more.Hunting deer while menstruating?
I have raised Whitetail deer.

Bucks do sense when a woman is on her monthly cycle. My bucks on the farm would go crazy and try to kill every thing when a woman came by during the rut that was during the peak of her cycle.

Here is a similar question I answered a few days ago on this same topic.;鈥?/a>Hunting deer while menstruating?
Don't let being on your period affect you going hunting.

If anything, I think it would increase your chances of getting a buck. When a girl is on her period, there's different hormones going on in her body and pheromones are released from her body also. Honestly, I think that your chances of bagging a buck would be greater the week before or about 4 or so days before your period, when your body is ovulating. At that point, your body hasn't passed the egg and there are different pheromones given off. I mean people smoke while hunting, and they still get their bag limit..

Big thing- don't use any feminine products that have a scent made into them.

I shot an 8 point buck when it was that time of the month.

Good luck when you go! :)
It really does not matter. There are all sorts of NATURAL smells in the wild...and a menstrating mamal is not going to make a difference. Let's look at this logically.

We have deer, racoon, squirrels, muskrats, bear, you name it....that are all mamals and the females all ovulate. So, do you think an ovulating chimunk is going to attract a bear? Or, a deer? Or, for that matter, send them away?

What you really need to know is that there are so many odors that humans carry into the woods, that it's crazy. The soles of most outdoor shoes and boots are made of synthetic rubber. (I have a Halloween mask that is made of latex and let me tell you, that thing has a VERY unusual smell.) We wash our bodies and our clothes with all sorts of modern day soaps that have artificial fragrances added. And, chances are, you've used a variety of these things...

Socks smell like tide. Trousers smell like Cheer. Shirt smells like Downy. Jacket smells like Woolite. Gloves smell like leather conditioner. Soles of shoes smell like latex rubber. Belt smells like Armorall. Knife smells like bleach. Add to this soap, shaving cream, aftershaves, deodorants.

In summary, whatever you are doing physically, is not going to inhibit your chances of seeing deer in the wild. I used to have friends that were chain smokers and would be smoking cigarettes at their deer stand constantly...and also shooting big bucks between puffs.
The most successful deer hunters I know avoid cleanliness. their clothes are not laundered, just hosed off when needed. They won't bathe the days preceding a hunt. All of their gear is old and broken in.

The idea is that wild animals do react to scents. They run from the smells of predators and from unknown smells. They pretty much ignore anything that smells like it belongs. My bet is that the menstrual scent would fall in the ';it belongs'; category, neither attracting nor repelling.
You know, my question would be can a bear small the sent of a woman menstruating?

I'm pretty sure a deer can smell it since they smell BO and smokers etc. But they tend to run off the other direction. A bear on the other hand may find it appetizing.
Watch out, Periods attract Bears!! lol


  1. Don’t use any feminine products???? Wtf are we supposed to do? Free bleed all over the place??? This was clearly written by a man.. smdh

    1. Actually they said "feminine products that have a scent made into them" which could be period products, but I would guess they're more referencing deodorants, soaps, creams, etc.
      In general you should NEVER be putting anything with fragrance in yoir vagina, because you then risk creating an imbalance in your vagina and causing yourself other issues.
      So in conclusion, use any period products when hunting but, regardless of what you're doing, don't ever used such products with scents or fragrance.
