Wednesday, January 20, 2010

What is the best wild game to start off hunting?

I started off with squirrels, then rabbits, deer, turkey, and of course my share of birds.What is the best wild game to start off hunting?
Small game like grouse is a great starter. To practice your aim, you can always shoot crows and ravens. They are pests, so you would be doing the world a favour!

When you think you are ready for bid game, deer is a good choice. Before you hunt deer though, you are going to want to take your rifle to a shooting range and get used to bullet drop. If you don't practice with your aim, you are either going to miss them, or hit them in a non-vital area and they will suffer.What is the best wild game to start off hunting?
- rabbits

- spruce grouse

- prairie chickens

- pheasant

- Canadian geese

- deer

Start small!
Rabbit, Squirrel, Groundhog, Grouse, Pheasant, W o o d c o c k, Doves, Whitetail Deer.....
I started with squirrels

You get to practice stalking and patience without being bored to tears plus you will almost always end up with something for the pot
well rabbits are easy because there all over or deers are a bigger target and depending on where you live there can be a lot of deer in the woods
G'day mate rabbit and foxes are the best to start with i recon practice yr stalking for bigger game.cheers mate
i started with birds and gophers but rabbits are also fairly easy as well
any kind that will not hunt you back, like bears for instance

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